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Kunal Sharma

Hello there! đź‘‹, myself Kunal. I'm a B.Tech EEE 2021 graduate from National Institute of Technology Warangal (NITW), IN

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Work Experience


Software Developement Engineer I Customer satisfaction score framework: HTML, CSS, JS, PHP
CXM Analytics tool: MongoDB, Python, Parse


Technical Leadership Development Program Customer satisfaction score framework: HTML, CSS, JS, PHP
CXM Analytics tool: MongoDB, Python, Parse


Real-time Body Tracking for VR Applications Developed a system through which user's physical activities are tracked using sensors. Users can walk inside computer simulation without any hand controls. Worked on design of system, data acquisition from sensors and conversion to useful format. Was able to convert the work done here into two research papers.



Microsoft PowerBI


Custom URL Shortener - smolink

Shortens URL upto length 512 characters to 6 characters. Able to redirect links and keep stats on the number of visits. Users can set their own personalized URL, uses sqlite3 as db. Has HTTP Basic Authentication to view stats. Made using Flask, Flask-SQLAlchemy.

Source Code

Flask Blog App

A Web based blogging application using Flask. The app facilitates creating an account, log in, sign-up, and create.update/delete posts. Users can also request password reset email, change account username, email, password, choose a custom profile picture. They can also view posts by individual user.

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Password Manager

Browser based Password Manager made using React, MySQL, NodeJS. Users can add their username/email, password and website name for which they want to save password. Later when they click on the website name, it reveals their passwords. Passwords are encrypted using AES-256-CTR algorithm and stored in MySQL databse.

Source Code

Django Blog

A Web based blogging application using Django. The app facilitates creating an account, log in, sign-up, and create.update/delete posts. Users can also request password reset email, change account username, email, password, choose a custom profile picture. They can also view posts by individual user.

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Sales Insights Data Analysis

Interactive PowerBI Dashboard that can be used to analyse Sales Data. Can see transactions per city, distinct products sold, revenue year/month/date wise, currency of transactions among other things. Used: MySQL, Microsoft PowerBI.

Source Code

Celebrity Face Recognition

Dataset used 250+ images in 5 categories mined using web scraping. Used: SVC, Random Forest, Logistic Regression, OpenCV, Python, Flask. End to end project with Web UI where user can drag and drop the image to classify. Successfully achieved an accuracy of 82%.

Source Code

Bengaluru Real Estate Price Prediction

Dataset used consists of 13,000 records with 8 independent features. Used: LinearRegression, DecisionTreeRegressor, Python, Flask. End to end project along with Web UI where user can input the features and get an estimate price. Successfully achieved an accuracy of 86%.

Source Code

Arduino Voice Controlled Bot

L293D motor driver module, Bluetooth HC-05 module interfaced Google voice typing for voice recognition. Bot is controlled via app.

Source Code

Arduino Gesture Controlled Bot

Using MPU6050 module and radio transmitter-receiver modules interfaced.

Source Code


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